Morgan Freeman, a well-known actor, producer, and director, has portrayed a wide range of compelling characters and dramatic parts throughout the course of his long career. He is a living legend who has influenced countless people with his inspirational and thought-provoking quotes. His work was the driving force behind his rise to fame. But it wasn’t until he was in his 50s that he began to receive the acclaim he deserved.
Morgan Freeman‘s willpower and perseverance are demonstrated in this glimpse inside his life. He has been one of the most well-known and in-demand performers in the world for almost two decades. Morgan Freeman quotes may provide wisdom and information to people of all ages. Morgan Freeman quotations represent his beliefs in equality and kindness.
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Let’s start the Best Motivational Quotes by Morgan Freeman –

Quotes from 1-15:
“One of the things you can always depend on, this is one of the truths of the universe. And you heard it first from here, whatever we decide we want to do is what we do.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Let me be the first to tell you, drinking alcohol is the worst thing to do in cold weather. Hot soup is the best because the process of digesting food helps to warm you up.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“I don’t want a Black History Month. Black history is American history.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Dr. Martin Luther King is not a black hero. He is an American hero.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“People need to start to think about the messages that they send in the movies.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“How are we going to get rid of racism? Stop talking about it!”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“In the harshest place on Earth,… love finds a way.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“When you have made your choice, it is providence that is your guide. Good, bad, or indifferent. Your fate lies in that.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Attacking people with disabilities is the lowest display of power I can think of.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“The best way to confront, or deal with, technological innovation is to keep moving technologically.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Literacy could be the ladder out of poverty.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“I always tell my kids if you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.”
– Morgan Freeman.
Quotes from 16-30:
“The highest power is the human mind. That’s where God came from and my belief in God is my belief in myself.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Still, it can be more effective to accomplish what you need to accomplish with the minimum effort. Watch Anthony Hopkins. He doesn’t appear to be doing anything. He is so still that you can’t see him working, but you are drawn into his character through his very stillness.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Once you’ve gotten the job, there’s nothing to it. If you’re an actor, you’re an actor. Doing it is not the hard part. The hard part is getting to do it.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“I do know there are a lot of people who seem to be in my corner, and that’s, of course, wonderful. I’m really more interested in the nomination than in the award, because I think the nomination just puts you within a group of outstanding actors.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“People hear that and say I’m being modest. But I am not a modest person, but I have to be truthful about what I’m doing and what I’m doing is channeling.”
-Morgan Freeman.
“Never let pride be your guiding principle. Let your accomplishments speak for you.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Don’t be different just for different’s sake. If you see it differently, function that way. Follow your own muse, always.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“If you live a life of make-believe, your life isn’t worth anything until you do something that does challenge your reality.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“If you dream you’ve got to dream that it’s going to happen. Remember that. If you dream, you have to imagine that it will actually happen.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Finding joy is probably tantamount to finding yourself and being comfortable in your own skin.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“Challenge yourself, it’s the only path which leads to growth.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“As you grow in this business, you learn how to do more with less.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“I’m not intimidated by lead roles. I’m better in them. I don’t feel pressure. I feel released at times like that. That’s what I’m born to do.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“The accident was a horrible thing – but that horrible thing made Chris, at the end of his life, Superman. It’s a happy irony if there is such a thing. I’m proud to have known him.”
– Morgan Freeman.
“You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. When their souls got to the entrance to heaven, the guards asked two questions. Their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not. ‘Have you found joy in your life?’ ‘Has your life brought joy to others?'”
– Morgan Freeman.
There’s been a lot of strange quotes on the internet, posted beside Morgan Freeman’s photo. Most of these quotes he never stated and it ended up enraging the internet. If you’ve come to this page, I’m guessing you admire Morgan Freeman’s work and appreciate his voice whenever he says something inspirational in a film. Without a doubt, these wise words from Morgan Freeman are among the best quotes that will truly move you. These Morgan Freeman quotes will help you improve your life.
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