Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor, producer, philanthropist, and activist from the United States. Leonardo began his career in Hollywood as a child, participating in a few commercials and television roles. Leonardo made his feature debut in Critters 3 in 1991. In 1993, he landed the lead part in the biopic This Boy’s Life, for which he received critical appreciation. In this post, you will see some of the most amazing quotes by Leonardo DiCaprio.

On the big screen, he is unmistakable. He has appeared in some of the best films of the previous two decades. Titanic, The Aviator, The Wolf of Wall Street, and The Revenant are among the films in which Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio has starred. This compilation of Leonardo DiCaprio quotations will demonstrate what it takes to attain extraordinary success. In their teens and early twenties, many former child performers frequently fall or fade. Despite this, Leonardo DiCaprio has starred in a number of successful films over the last two decades.
Now, check out these 30 Amazing Quotes by Leonardo DiCaprio-
- “If you have done the very best you can. worrying won’t make it any better. if you want to be successful, respect one rule.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “Only you and you alone can change your situation. Don’t blame it on anything or anyone.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “I’m not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I’m definitely an individual.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “I get a friend to travel with me… I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It’s hard to be alone.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “Wrong connection will give you shock throughout your life, but the right one will light up your life.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “I’ve always been spontaneous and outgoing… I’ve tried lots of things so I’ve got some good life experiences, which is great ’cause it means I’ve got lots of material to work with as an actor.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “We only get one planet.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “My friends, this body – perhaps more than any other gathering in human history – now faces that difficult task.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “Honored delegates, leaders of the world, I pretend for a living.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “Protecting our future on this planet depends on the conscious evolution of our species.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “And now it’s your turn – the time to answer the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet is now.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me, I don’t know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I’m a weirdo.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “Don’t think for a moment that I’m really like any of the characters I’ve played. I’m not. That’s why it’s called ‘acting’.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “To believe in love, to be ready to give up anything for it, to be willing to risk your life for it, is the ultimate tragedy. – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “The best thing about acting is that I get to lose myself in another character and actually get paid for it… It’s a great outlet. I’m not really sure who I am – it seems I change every day.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “If you can do what you do best and be happy, you’re further along in life than most people.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “I really am motivated by being able to work with great people and create a body of work that I can look back and be proud of.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
- “The good thing about acting is that it always keeps you on your toes… It’s not like any other job where you can go in and do the same thing as yesterday.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
From His Movies:
- “I’m the king of the world!” – Leonardo Dicaprio, ‘Titanic’
- “Promise me you’ll survive. That you won’t give up, no matter what happens. No matter how hopeless.” -Leonardo Dicaprio, ‘Titanic’
- “I don’t know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all of this.” – Leonardo Dicaprio, ‘Titanic’
- “Everybody stop antagonizing my guest.” – Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘Django’
- “Gentleman, you had my curiosity, now you have my attention.” – Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘Django’
- “Django and his friend in gray here, Dr. Schultz, are customers. And they are our guests, Stephen.” -Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘Django’
- “Anywhere you go, desire is desire. The sun cannot bleach it, nor the tide wash it away.” – Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘The Beach’
- “I just feel like everyone tries to do something different, but you always wind up doing the same damn thing.” – Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘The Beach’
- “You take your boy home, yeah?” – Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘Blood Diamond’
- “Back home they call it ‘bling bling’ here they call it ‘bling bang’.” – Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘Blood Diamond’
- “School, I never truly got the knack of. I could never focus on things I didn’t want to learn.” – Leonardo DiCaprio
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